Webmaster and Commander (part 2)
As promised, installment two of my website adventure. To start the process of setting up my own website I first had
to overcome the fear of screwing up. I knew I was going to make amateur mistakes and end up spending more money than necessary. It’s the same
thing for any new hobby, so I decided to accept that fact and just do it.
First, I wanted a good domain name. I decided on some variant
of Joel Parcouer (explained on the contact page of my website). I
looked at GoDaddy.com then 123-reg.com. The latter was cheaper so I whipped out
my credit card, spent about £10 and bought the domain joelparcouer.com for several
years. Now that I had the address I now needed some place to put my website. I
poked around with Google’s web hosting and the templates there, but they seemed
to be proprietary and I really wanted complete control so I decided against Google. After searching around and reading reviews and such I decided to go with
Bluehost. Here I suspect they saw me coming. I misinterpreted the fee structure
(yearly for three years or for three years) and bought it with the extra
security costing a whopping £160 for three years. Yikes! It is a learning
process and this might be a good deal for all I know. I honestly have no idea
how much it should cost.
The first thing I did on Bluehost was to assign my domain
name to the account. It was so easy I have forgotten how I did it. I do
remember that they led me through it by my nose. The next thing Bluehost wanted
me to do was to manage 100 free email accounts as if that was some great perk. It
may be for businesses, but not for me. The last thing I want to do is to manage
spam filters for an email system I do not need, so I skipped setting that up
and went onto the control panel. I might reconsider the email account if Google
becomes genuinely evil someday. The Bluehost control panel contains many files
and programs that I have never heard of. I have some experience playing around
with HTML and was able to find the error files that are displayed when things go
wrong. I then deduced the folder where
the website needs to go by trial and error with a dummy HTML index file (index.html is the first
file a browser open).
I obviously lack the
experience to code a quality site from scratch so I Googled free webpage templates.
The free part was important as I had already blown my budget of £100. WordPress
kept coming up so I tried that only to discover blog templates and more proprietary
structure and code. The one thing I hate are programs like Frontpage that try
to lock you into their program forever by making the code so complicated that
you can never tweak it with any other program. I have always suspected that
software engineers deliberately make computer languages and code just
complicated enough to prevent common people writing their own programs and
websites, thus protecting programmer jobs.
So moving on down the Google search list I came across a website by
Andreas Vicklund. This guy is a genius. His templates are so simple and clear
that even I could look at the HTML code and see how the HTML pages work. I even
figured out big pieces of the CSS style sheet that came with it. The best part
is that he posts a set of completely free high quality templates that you can
use for anything as long as you leave the “designed by line” at the bottom of
the page with his link. I chose the winter variant.
Compare that to my version and you will
begin to see how you can take a basic template and make it your own. You just
copy and paste substituting your own text and images and then tweak parts to come up
with your own site. I even replaced his stylised mountains with my own picture
of the Alps that I took from my balcony while living in Switzerland. To do this
I had to modify the CSS style sheet. This really is not as scary as it sounds
once you realize that a CSS sheet is just a set of instructions for named
elements shared between HTML files in your website.
I have mentioned HTML code a few times. For those who don’t
know, HTML provides your web browser with instructions on what and how to
present the stuff you see on a webpage. It is probably the simplest form of
computer programming that anyone can do.
You can pretty much become a functional programmer with HTML by reading
one of the “For Dummies” books. To see a websites code most browsers have a
function called view source. To actually play with an HTML file you need to
open it with a text editor. My favourites are Crimson Editor for Windows and TextWrangler
for my Mac. I always save a version of any HTML file before messing with it so that I can go back when I screw it up.
The editing procedure was to change the code, save the file, then open it
(or refresh) with my browser to see what happened. I thus figured out how to do
things by trial and error and Googling. I easily found HTML examples on the web by googling HTML and the tag name. The process was no more
intellectually demanding than working a puzzle or computer game. I used
the free program Seamonkey on both Windows and my Mac to get some of the fancier things in. This
free web design program is about as simple and clean as they come. It’s a WYSYG
editor. The only problem is that it sometimes puts in extra spacing and some
odd redundant code; including stuff like <small></small> with
nothing in between. I ended up proof
reading and editing out these redundant statements in the text editor.
After about a month of working on this in my spare and free
time, I finally got enough together to post a new website. Loading it was trivial with one of the programs on the Bluehost control panel. Now the problem is
that I see so much more that I want to do to improve it. All I need is the
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